The Worthwhile Mile is a fundraising initiative to support giving programs of the Walter Spohn Trust and to improve public awareness about innovative research and services in the field of facial prosthetic rehabilitation, anaplastology.
The WST's Worthwhile Mile Fundraiser is back!
• December 1 - 7, 2024 •
The Walter Spohn Trust is a non-profit organization that provides financial support for educational and research projects to advance the field of Anaplastology. As always, funds raised by the Worthwhile Mile go to support WST Giving Programs, such as the WST Research Grant or the Anaplastology Student Scholarship program. Learn more about WST Giving Programs.
The first Worthwhile Mile took place 12 years ago when anaplastologist Erin Stevens pledged to cycle 1000 miles to improve awareness about clinical anaplastology services among the public and healthcare professionals. Since then, the WST has hosted multi-day bike rides in Colorado, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arizona. In 2022, we opened up the event to non-cyclists and encourage anyone to participate from anywhere by pledging to dedicate an activity of your choice to our worthwhile cause!
December 7, 2024
Worthwhile Mile Action Day!
Participants will do a pledged activity of their choice (such as cycling, running, swimming, hiking, roller skating, dancing, etc.) for a specified distance or length of time in dedication to the fundraising cause. For example, one may choose to run 10 miles or cycle 100 miles, hike a local peak, or dance for 3 hours straight! Whatever it is, the activity can be as challenging (or not) as the participant chooses.
When participants are doing their pledged activity on Action Day, they are encouraged to share with others via social media (e.g. Instagram Live, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). If participants cannot do their activity on December 7th, they can pre-record moments from their activity and share videos and photos on the day of the event.
Dec 1 - 7, 2024
Fundraising Week
Throughout the week of December 1-7, 2024, participants are encouraged to share with friends, family, and colleagues about anaplastology and their pledged fundraiser in support of WST programs. December 7th is Action Day, when participants will engage in their pledged activity. Action Day is the final day of fundraising.
All participants must SIGN UP using the online registration form accessible below. Once your sign-up form has been received, an individual fundraising campaign page will be generated for you and WST will provide you with a URL link to share your Worthwhile Mile fundraising campaign with friends, family, and colleagues.
Participants may sign up to participate beginning November 7th. The deadline to sign up is December 1st. Although Fundraising Week is December 1-7, participants may begin fundraising earlier if they choose. No minimum fundraising amount is required, although we encourage participants to set a minimum goal of $250.
Our goal is to get as many participants to share with others about anaplastology and the WST through the fun and adventure of their chosen activity!
Participate WHEREVER you are!
No cost to sign up and participate & no minimum fundraising requirement ($250+ suggested).
Choose your own pledged activity.
Cycling, running, dancing, etc; the activity and length is all up to you!
Sign up starting November 7, 2024
Last Day to sign up: December 1
Fundraising Week: December 1 - 7
ACTION DAY: December 7
Please note, participants must sign up by December 1, 2024.
Throughout the spring and summer of 2012, anaplastologist Erin Stevens pledged to cycle 1000 miles to promote the practice of Clinical Anaplastology and improve awareness about anaplastology services among the public and healthcare professionals. She had great success and vowed to carry the project forward by opening it up to multiple riders. There's more power in numbers, right?

In 2013, Erin served as one of four leaders, guiding a team of 28 cyclists coast-to-coast from North Carolina to California. Motivated to learn more about organizing larger group rides, she gleaned a wealth of knowledge from her Bike & Build team, directors and co-leaders. While descending the Rockies on July 4th, Erin began to plan her next moves to expand The Worthwhile Mile in 2014.

In 2014, ten riders and crew formed the WM 2014 Team, participating in two 6-day rides from Denver to Durango, Colorado, and from Nashville, Tennessee to Asheville, North Carolina. The rides were a wonderful adventure and an exciting opportunity to share with other communities about the field of anaplastology.

The Walter Spohn Education Fund, to which funds from previous WM events were dedicated, became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in 2018. The Worthwhile Mile continues to be an important fundraising initiative for the WST and the advancement of Clinical Anaplastology.

The WST teamed up with Arizona Outback Adventures in 2019 for a four-day, three-night cycling adventure through some of Arizona's most beautiful desert landscapes. The group traveled through colorful Sonoran Desert terrain, including Tonto National Forest, Usery Pass, and the Verde River, while camping overnight under the stars.

In 2022, WST opened the fundraiser to cyclists and non-cyclists alike! Anyone could join in the fun, plus they chose their pledged activity and participated on their own terms for fundraising. We are continuing with this method and you can join us however you'd like while helping support the field of anaplastology!