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The Worthwhile Mile is a fundraising initiative to support giving programs of the Walter Spohn Trust and to improve public awareness about innovative research and services in the field of facial prosthetic rehabilitation, anaplastology.

Please read through this list of frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, please e-mail us at, subject: WM Ride. 

Am I required to fundraise to participate in the 2019 WM Ride event?

Yes, the Worthwhile Mile (WM) Ride event is charitable, fundraising event. All participant-raised funds support the Walter Spohn Trust execute its mission to provide financial support for research and educational projects aimed at advancing the field of Anaplastology.
All participants commit to raising a required fundraising a minimum of $1,600 to participate in the event.

> Learn more about Anaplastology 

> Learn more about Walter Spohn Trust Giving Programs 


How much is registration?

$100 Early Bird Registration Fee (May 3 - July 17, 2019)

$150 Regular Registration Fee (July 18 - Aug 18, 2019)


What can I expect from the 2019 WM Ride event?

The 2019 WM Ride is a fully supported, multi-day road biking event. Participants will be provided:

  • A team of trained cycling and outdoor guiding experts from Arizona Outback Adventures will  provide ride support, SAG (“support and gear”), bike maintenance, first aid, basecamp management, meal and snack prep, and solid high fives.

  • An expertly informed route designed by AOA and WM leadership. Daily maps and cue sheets (detailed directions) will be provided to each rider.

  • 3 healthy meals per day (vegetarian and vegan diets and other special diets can be accommodated)

  • Rejuvenating snacks and water stops during each ride day

  • Overnight camping accommodations are provided for each night of the trip. Tents and sleeping pads are provided for riders (sleeping bags not included). Riders are welcome to bring their own tents and gear. NOTE: AOA provides tents for riders who do not bring their own. Supplied tents are large 4-person tents; 2 riders will be assigned to a tent. If you would like a private tent, contact WM Director, Erin Stevens, to inquire about private tent options.

  • Bike and luggage transport from initial pick up through end of trip. We want you to have a light ride.

  • Evening campfires, engaging conversation with your fellow riders, and countless desert stars!

  • WM Ride Preparation Guide & Itinerary

  • A personal fundraising page to share with your peers and communication with donors

  • Tips and support from the WST Fundraising Team!

  • An introduction to the WST/anaplastology community!

  • ​A 2019 Worthwhile Mile cycling jersey!


When and where will the ride meet?

All participants will be picked up from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on Thursday, September 19th at 1:00 pm local time. If you are already in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, a pick-up location will be determined for local riders to be picked up following out-of-town riders. Once all riders are on board, we will head to McDowell Mountain Regional Park. Your guides will provide a trip orientation after setting up camp among wildly eroded, granite boulders. We will enjoy dinner, welcome introductions, and make sure everyone's bikes are fit and in good shape for the next day's ride.  

Will there be road support during the ride?

Absolutely! Ride organizers will arrange rest stops along the route for you to refuel on snacks and water. SAG vehicles will be on the route each day. Our AOA Guide Team also provide bicycle maintenance, and first aid. We’ll review the route each day before riding and each rider will be given maps and cue sheets. Our SAG vehicles will be out on the road look after riders as well.


What is the difficulty level for the ride? 

Intermediate. The WM Ride is exactly that—a ride, not a race. You don’t need to be an expert cyclist, or even have done a multi-day tour before. That said, if you’re new to long rides, it’s in your best interest to get some miles in before heading to Arizona. We highly encourage new riders to participate, and we will provide you with training tips to make sure you feel prepared and have fun on the road. Riders will also have the option for shorter routes if they prefer, and SAG will have your back if you need support.

Are there a limited number of participants for this event?

Yes, the 2019 WM Ride is limited to 25 riders. The sooner you register, the more time you’ll have to prepare for the ride, fundraise, and share the cause!


Is there a minimum age requirement to participate?

Yes. Participants must be at least 16 years old. Participants under 18, as of the September 19, 2019, must sign a minor release waiver and be accompanied by a parent or guardian all four days of the event.

What if I need to cancel my participation in the event?

Please review the WM Ride Cancellation Policy. If you are unable to attend the ride, please contact us as early as possible and we will cancel your registration.
Email:, Subject: Rider Cancellation


What do I need to bring on the trip? 

The WM Ride Preparation Guide & Itinerary will include a packing list with suggested items to ensure you have everything you need. We will send the Preparation Guide & Itinerary to you no later than August 1st. You may also visit the WM Ride page for an overview of typical cycling/camping trip gear.

Can I use a non-traditional road bike (recumbent, tandem, electric, custom, etc.)?

Great question! The answer is: most likely. Let us know what you have in mind so we can confirm with our AOA Guide Team that our support vehicle’s bike racks can accommodate your bike type. It's important that you are very comfortable with the bike style you choose to ride. There will be moderate climbing on this rides, so you'll want to be sure your bike can safely handle ascending and descending.

Will I have route directions?

Daily maps and cue sheets (turn-by-turn directions) will be provided to each rider. Each morning before hitting the road, we will review the day’s route(s). Our SAG vehicles will be out on the road look after riders as well.


Can you accommodate my dietary needs?

Yes! The WM Ride will accommodate meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans alike! Please indicate on your registration form whether you are vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, both, or have any other dietary needs or food allergies.

Is alcohol permitted on this trip?

While riding, we expect participants to follow the same laws as drivers, as biking under the influence of alcohol can be extremely dangerous to yourself or others on the road. Additionally, alcohol put you at heightened risk of dehydration. While at basecamp after riding, riders are welcome to consume alcohol at their discretion, we simply ask that you drink responsibly and be mindful of your surroundings.

Will I be able to charge my electronic devices?

Yes. Charging equipment will be available to charge your electronics. This equipment will be shared by all participants. We cannot guarantee cell service or Wi-Fi access throughout the ride, but we will do our best to let you know when it is available. We encourage you to enjoy this time to disconnect a bit.


Can I rent a bike or camping gear?

Yes. Please indicate on when you register whether you will be bringing your own bike or renting one from Arizona Outback Adventures. We will coordinate your bike rental with AOA for you. Bike rental options include:

Specialized Allez Elite ($125 per bike)

Trek Domane SL5 or Specialized Tarmac Sport ($160 per bike)

Trek Emonda SL7 ($260 per bike)

Sleeping bag ($40)

Tents and sleeping pads are provided for riders (sleeping bags not included). Riders are welcome to bring their own tents and gear.
NOTE: AOA provides tents for riders who do not bring their own. Supplied tents are large 4-person tents; 2 riders will be assigned to a tent. If you would like a private tent, contact WM Director, Erin Stevens, to inquire about private tent options.


Will I have an online fundraising page?

YES! When you register for the ride, you will be asked to complete a Rider Profile for your personal fundraising page. We will provide you with all the information you need to share your fundraiser and communicate with donors about this important cause. The WST is incredibly appreciative of your willingness to advocate for anaplastology education and research, and we are here for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like more tips or help strategizing your campaign.


When is the fundraising deadline?

There are two important dates for your fundraising requirement:

Aug 19 – 50% of your fundraising minimum must be met. That’s $800 USD.

Sept 19 – 100% of your fundraising goal must be met. That’s $1,600 USD.


What if I don't meet the required fundraising minimum?

If you are nearing the fundraising deadline and you’re concerned about not reaching the minimum, please contact us. It’s important to us that you enjoy every part of participating in the WM Ride, and that includes seeking donations for this great cause! Again we are here to help.


Are donations to the Walter Spohn Trust tax-deductible?

They sure are! The Walter Spohn Trust is a charitable, nonprofit corporation recognized as tax-exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Our Tax ID (EIN) is 82-3997332. Donations to the WST are deductible for income tax purposes to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

Can donations be made by cash or check?

Yes. Please visit the WST Donate page ( for how and where to submit cash or check donations.


Can I fundraise for the Walter Spohn Trust even if I don't participate in the WM Ride?

Yes, of course! Start your own fundraiser for the WST anytime by visiting our peer-to-peer donation site, and select "Start a Fundraiser".


Email us at, Subject: WM Ride




The Walter Spohn Trust provides financial support for educational and research projects to advance the field of Anaplastology. Learn more about WST Giving Programs.


This 3-day ride journeys through some of Arizona's most beautiful desert landscapes. The route will travel through colorful Sonoran Desert terrain, including Tonto National Forest, Usery Pass, the Salt River, and so much more! 

You're guaranteed giant saguaro cacti, gorgeous desert sunsets, and star-filled skies that will take your breath away. Up to 25 riders may register for the WM 2019 ride. It is a fully supported ride with three meals per day and overnight basecamps pre-arranged. This is a service-oriented adventure; all riders commit to fundraising $1,600 prior to the trip in support of the Walter Spohn Trust.

Tonto National Forest area
(Pheonix/Scottsdale, AZ)

$100 Early Bird Registration Fee (May 3 - July 17)
$150 Regular Registration Fee (July 18 - Aug 18)
$1,600 Fundraising Commitment

40 & 60 mile routes (each day)
120-180 mi (190-290 km) total

Tent camping (riders may rent or supply their own tent, sleeping bag and mat). Each rider's camping gear and duffle bag will be hauled by ride support.

The Trip: 4 Days/3 nights
Day 1  Orientation (afternoon) 

Days 2-4 Riding Days

All participants will receive the custom-designed 2019 WM Ride Jersey (by Primal)

Sonoran Desert, Arizona · 3 Day Ride
September 19-22, 2019




The Walter Spohn Trust, WST (formerly the Walter Spohn Education Fund, WSEF) provides financial support to individuals and research groups initiating educational and research projects to advance the field of Anaplastology.


The WST works to achieve its goals through its Annual Grant Program, special awards and scholarships, and fundraising events like The OtoArt Project and The Worthwhile Mile Fundraiser .


T: (561) 414-0675

F: (561) 894-2281


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